New or used machine components Koreman brings them together.
Endless vulcanization is our specialty.
New or used machine components Koreman brings them together.
From here, we are happy to serve you.
Koreman knows better than anyone how important operational reliability is.
Koreman knows better than anyone how important operational reliability is. That’s why we only work with high-end partners. Our range of new products is tailored to market demand. We are able to respond immediately to an outage, allowing us to minimize production downtime. Please contact our sales department.
Components used
Koreman knows better than anyone how important upfront budgets are.
Koreman knows better than anyone how important budgets are. Therefore, we have a huge inventory of used machines and machine components. Used, whether fully reconditioned or not, but in excellent condition to be used in your production process. Please feel free to contact. We like to think with you, even when you have a task-setting budget.
Conveyor Service
Koreman knows better than anyone else that a band must keep running permanently.
Koreman Conveyor Service is a service department of our company. Whether it is repairing or replacing your conveyor belt, our people are specialized mechanics in this field. A failure cannot be avoided. We have that knowledge and resources to keep production downtime as limited as possible.
A reliable partner in the replacement market since 1935
Since its founding in 1935, L. Koreman & Zn. Trading Company BV concentrated on purchase, sale and replacement of wear materials. Starting with retreading of car and truck tires, the company has developed into a reliable partner with a versatile product range in the replacement market for sand, gravel, crushing, screening, environmental and recycling industries.
Reputable trading partners
Koreman represents several reputable trading partners. Our products, both new and used, can be tailored exactly to your needs due to their specific features. There are thousands of application possibilities for our products. Cost savings through minimization of wear and tear, less maintenance work and improvement in the work process is the result. Koreman typically delivers specifically tailored to the customer’s deployment area.
Koreman, the bridge between problem and solution
Why Koreman?
Koreman knows how to combine two worlds. From complete replacement with new machines to complete or partial replacement with used machines or machine components.